Thursday, August 31, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/31/2006

You will have to depart leaving everything behind, so do not be attached to anything.

What you think upon grows...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/30/2006

Since future lives last for a very long time, gather up riches to provide for the future.

What you think upon grows...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/29/2006

Since the happiness, pleasure, and friends you gather in this life last only for a moment, put them all behind you.

What you think upon grows...

Monday, August 28, 2006

The Teaching of the Poisoned Arrow

The Buddha always told his disciples not to waste their time and energy in metaphysical speculation. Whenever he was asked a metaphysical question, he remained silent. Instead, he directed his disciples toward practical efforts. Questioned one day about the problem of the infinity of the world, the Buddha said, "Whether the world is finite or infinite, limited or unlimited, the problem of your liberation remains the same." Another time he said, "Suppose a man is struck by a poisoned arrow and the doctor wishes to take out the arrow immediately. Suppose the man does not want the arrow removed until he knows who shot it, his age, his parents, and why he shot it. What would happen? If he were to wait until all these questions have been answered, the man might die first." Life is so short. It must not be spent in endless metaphysical speculation that does not bring us any closer to the truth.

- Thich Nhat Hanh, in Zen Keys

James: This is a brilliant teaching that opened the door toward liberation for me. I use to have soooo many questions regarding the meaning of life and all that bullocks. I use to think that each question would bring me closer to true "happiness" and "peace." However, each question only brought more questions and thus great frustration and suffering. The teachings of the Buddha though have changed all of that. They have shown me the path to true peace. Now I work toward being mindful in each moment unfolding into the next moment instead of worrying about that which can not be answered. When I dwell in the past and worry about the future my peace goes right out the window and from that point the worrying becomes an addiction.

The worrying gives me an emotional pay-off of being the "victim" in soothing my ego by receiving attention from people. It also soothes the ego by thinking somehow I am so smart and therefore better then others for raising such questions. However, the down side of the "victim" role and soothing the ego is that it does not end the pain and suffering as we all know. In fact it makes it worse. It is like a drug where I need more attention and more ego injections as the "victimhood"and ego concerns grow stronger and stronger. Playing the "victim" raises an insatiable desire to control the uncontrolable and delusionally thinking that I can (somehow) control the future! Ah, the poison arrow of delusional games and attachments.

This analogy of the poison arrow is very enlightening. Questions of the Universe seem tempting but they can be poison if we attach to them and savor the philosophy of it all like a bone. That's my feeling anyway.

~Peace to all beings~

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/28/2006

Words of praise and fame serve only to beguile us, therefore blow them away as you would blow your nose.

What you think upon grows...

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/27/2006

Profit and respect are nooses of the maras, so brush them aside like stones on the path.

What you think upon grows...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/26/2006

Avoid activities that are said to be meritorious, but which in fact are obstacles to Dharma.

What you think upon grows...

Friday, August 25, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/25/2006

Avoid all haughty, conceited, proud, and arrogant minds, and remain peaceful and subdued.

What you think upon grows...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/24/2006

Friends, the things you desire give no more satisfaction than drinking sea water, therefore practice contentment.

What you think upon grows...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

We Can Learn a lot from Trees

We can learn a lot from trees. I am watching our neighbors giant cotton wood trees sway and bend in a strong breeze. Trees are made to move along with resistance. Everything about a tree can bend from the trunk to the branches, to the stem and finally to the leaves. They do not fight change for if they did they would no survive. They bend but do not break.

Often when change blows into our lives we feel shaken and think that if we bend then we will break. However, if we anchor ourselves in deep, grounding things such as our mindfulness practice then we can have faith that we will be able to weather any storm for we have strong roots, a strong foundation. Our roots go deeper and grow stronger each time we meditate, practice mindfulness, practice loving-kindness and compassion (not only with others but toward ourselves as well).

We can have faith that we too can bend but not break.

In fact, it is the very resistance and change of the wind that carries the seeds of life for the trees and plants. And so it is with us. Change brings new life, new hope and strength for future storms to come. Without resistance, change and yes, suffering itself we would grow steadily weaker and weaker until our deep, strong roots would rot and we would break.

~Peace to all beings~

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/23/2006

If from your heart you practice in accordance with Dharma, both food and resources will come naturally to hand.

What you think upon grows...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/22/2006

If you practice with great devotion, results will arise immediately, without your having to wait for a long time.

What you think upon grows...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Something that Can Not be Described

There exists something that cannot be described.


James: This says it all for me lately. I take comfort in not being able to "explain" (nor having to explain) "everything."

~Peace to all beings~

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/21/2006

Because you have received advice, whenever you are not meditating always practice in accordance with what your Spiritual Guide says.

What you think upon grows...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/20/2006

Dedicate your virtues throughout the day and the night, and always watch your mind.

What you think upon grows...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/19/2006

Since there is never a time when worldly activities come to an end, limit your activities.

What you think upon grows...

Friday, August 18, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/18/2006

Avoid friends who cause you to increase delusions, and rely upon those who increase your virtue. This you should take to heart.

What you think upon grows...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Lord Buddha Painting Finished

Close up.
I'll have prints available for sale soon.
-Peace to all beings-

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/17/2006

Until you attain stable realizations, worldly amusements are harmful, therefore abide in a place where there are no such distractions.

What you think upon grows...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/16/2006

Avoid places that disturb your mind, and always remain where your virtues increase.

What you think upon grows...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/15/2006

Since you cannot become a Buddha merely by understanding Dharma, practice earnestly with understanding.

What you think upon grows...

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/14/2006

Until you realize ultimate truth, listening is indispensable, therefore listen to the instructions of the Spiritual Guide.

What you think upon grows...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/13/2006

Friends, until you attain enlightenment the Spiritual Teacher is indispensable, therefore rely upon the holy Spiritual Guide.

What you think upon grows...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/12/2006

Self-esteem is different than conceit. Conceit is the weirdest disease in the world. It makes everyone sick except the one who has it.

What you think upon grows...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/11/2006

I've learned to trust myself, to listen to truth, to not be afraid of it and to not try and hide it.

What you think upon grows...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/10/2006

Don't worry so much about your self-esteem. Worry more about your character. Integrity is its own reward.

What you think upon grows...

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Lord Buddha Painting

This is my latest work in project. I still have to add the neck and the top of his robes (which will be orange) but this is what I've done so far. And of course these pictures don't do it justice. Pictures can never give the fullest vision of a piece. I wish you could all see it in person.

It's titled, "Lord Buddha."


Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/9/2006

Self-esteem isn't everything; it's just that there's nothing without it.

What you think upon grows...

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/8/2006

The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment, it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others; it is in yourself alone.

What you think upon grows...

Monday, August 7, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/7/2006

You really have to look inside yourself and find your own inner strength, and say, "I'm proud of what I am and who I am, and I'm just going to be myself."

What you think upon grows...

Sunday, August 6, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/6/2006

If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself.

What you think upon grows...

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/5/2006

To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives.

What you think upon grows...

Friday, August 4, 2006

The Higher Self

That which is the source of the sun
And of every power in the cosmos, beyond which
There is neither going nor coming, Is the Self indeed. For this Self is supreme!

-Katha Upanishad

James: Om (Om=Ultimate Reality). All things are interconnected in the web of being and unmanifest. Each breath we are reborn and represents the breath of the Divine Presence. The Divine manifests the collective essence of all consciousness experiencing the Great Project Infinitely within and without.

This Interdependent, Universal Heart beams forth and reflects back the light of Enlightenment and of parinirvana.

Gone, gone, gone beyond. Completely gone beyond. Gloria in excelsis Deo!!! (Glory in the Highest). Om.

~Peace to all beings~

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/4/2006

Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.

What you think upon grows...

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/3/2006

Why compare yourself with others? No one in the entire world can do a better job of being you than you.

What you think upon grows...

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/2/2006

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

What you think upon grows...

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/1/2006

You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy.

What you think upon grows...