Saturday, October 29, 2005


All spiritual traditions have spoken of the ultimate goal of meditation. It has been called Enlightenment; Self Realization; God Realization; Nirvana; Cosmic Consciousness; Mukti; Christ Consciousness; Buddhahood; etc. Currently, the term "Ascension" is emerging in our collective consciousness to refer to this goal, so we will use that term for consistency. What, then, is Ascension?

Ascension is: The goal of our individual evolution, and the collective evolution of humanity... it is each soul's destiny. The highest level of consciousness available to us... permanent union with our Higher Self and the Universal Spirit... oneness with all Life. Becoming our highest possible self....gaining the full use of our creative and spiritual powers. Raising our vibration and shifting our perception from limited physical reality to limitless spiritual reality. Awakening our inner senses and completing construction of our Spiritual Body, aka our Light Body... thus gaining access to higher spiritual worlds. A state of permanent peace, joy, and freedom from limitation and suffering. Becoming an instrument of Universal Light, Love, Wisdom, and Power. Playing a greater role of service in the Great Cosmic Plan. Taking our place among the assembly of Ascended Beings from all cultures who have reached this evolutionary pinnacle. Coming Home.

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