Saturday, December 31, 2005

The Key to Liberation [Lies] in Interdependence and Non-Self

James: The following are segments from the chapter describing the enlightenment and liberation of the Buddha. It is from the book, "Old Path White Clouds." Often I feel that we aspirants make Buddhism too complicated. However, the following teachings on interdependence and non-self put it all into the right perspective. These major concepts, in my opinion, are the foundation to the path that we call "Buddhism":

He [The Buddha] smiled, and looked up at the pippala leaf imprinted against the blue sky, it's tail blowing back and forth as if calling him. Looking deeply at the leaf, he saw clearly the presence of the sun and stars -- without the sun, without light and warmth, the leaf could not exist. This was like this, because that was like that. He also saw in the leaf the presence of clouds -- without clouds there could be no rain, and withhout rain the leaf could not be. He saw the Earth, time, space, the mind -- all were present in the leaf. In fact, at that very moment, the entire universe existed in that leaf. The reality of the leaf was a wonderous miracle.

Though we ordinarly think that a leaf is born in the springtime, Gautama could see that it had been there for a long, long time in the sunlight, the clouds, the tree, and in himself. Seeing that the leaf had never been born, he could see that he too had never been born. Both the leaf and he himself had simply manifested -- they had never been born and were incapable of ever dying.


The leaf and the body were one. Neither possessed a seperate, permanent self. Neither could exist independently from the rest of the universe. Seeing the interdependent nature of all phenomena -- that all things are empty of a separate, isolated self. He realized that the key to liberation lay in these two principles of interdependence and non-self.


Illuminating the rivers of his body, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness, Siddhartha now understood that impermanence and emptiness of self are the very conditions necessary for life. Without impermanence and emtiness of self, nothing could grow or develop.


The source of suffering is a false belief in permanence and the existence of separate selves. Seeing this, one understands that there is neither birth nor death, production nor destruction, one nor many, inner nor outer, large nor small, impure nor pure. All such concepts are false distinctions created by the intellect. If one penetrates into the empty nature of all things, one will transcend all mental barriers, and be liberated from the cycle of suffering.

-Peace to all beings-

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/31/2005

The recollected go forth to lives of renunciation. They take no pleasure in a fixed abode. Like wild swans abandoning a pool, they leave one resting place after another.

Friday, December 30, 2005


Someone asked T'ou-tzu, "How is it when there is no mistake moment to moment?"

T'ou-tzu said, "Bragging."

James's comment: This brought a smirk to my face when I read this. What a great answer and lesson. I took this to mean that we should never feel that we are better then anyone or anything that exists or does not exist.

It also says to me that even "great masters" make "mistakes. "

What lesson do you take out of it?

Meditation was good today. Well, it's always a good thing but today was very helpful. I was meditating and for the first 10 minutes had a lot of intrusive thoughts and keep trying to "do" something to stop them.

Then, however, I was reminded of the mantras, "Nothing to do or undo" and "Nothing to think or not think." After meditating upon these words I felt the distractions just melt away like snow and then I realized that I already had the tools to release myself more easily from the distractions that clog up my peace and mindfulness through out the day. Upon remembering that I didn't have to "think or not think" about anything I felt a freedom that I know that I can carry with me as I keep walking the middle path from moment to beautiful moment.

Present moment, wonderful moment, only moment.

Does any of this even make sense? I hope so.

I hope that I haven't totally contradicted myself. :)

-Peace to all beings-

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/30/2005

Journey over, sorrowless, freed in every way, and with all bonds broken -- for such a man there is no more distress.

"I had stressed if they have to denounce me then please denounce me -- no problem."

The Panchen Lama: "I've been to many places in the past decade and witnessed the ample freedom enjoyed by individuals and religious organisations alike. Living Budhhas like myself are able to perform religious rituals under the wing of the Chinese constitution and other laws."

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/29/2005

Few are those among men who have crossed over to the other shore, while the rest of mankind runs along the bank. However those who follow the principles of the well-taught Truth will cross over to the other shore, out of the dominion of Death, hard though it is to escape.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Meditation Upon Emptiness

The following lessons/meditations were observed by the body/mind during the state of formal sitting:

Emptiness: This body is the dog barking. This body is the children playing. This body is the birds chirping right outside the window. Nothing exists within this body which is special or unique. Everything is dependent upon everything else that exists and does not exist. There is no Nirvana outside this moment of emptiness. There is no enlightenment outside being apart of all that exists and does not exist. self blends and melts into the Self of the universe and non-universe. Death has no unique or special, inherent existence. Death is connected to so many other causes and conditons that it is simply another color in the rainbow. What "we" call "death" is just another wave in the ocean.

There is no end and there is no beginning.

There is simply this.

This body/mind has been meditating upon the Heart Sutra for awhile now, however, "I" do not consider myself an expert or even a teacher of any kind on this matter. However, "I" wanted to share some of the meditations from this morning.

However countless sentient beings are,
I vow to save them.
However inexhaustible the resistance,
I vow to relinquish it.
However many the doors of incarnation,
I vow to enter them all.
However incomparable the highest perspective,
I vow to attain it.

-Peace to all beings-

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/28/2005

Navvies channel water, fletchers fashion arrows, and carpenters work on wood, but the wise disciple themselves.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Dalai Lama Interview in The Progressive Magazine

There is a great interview with HH the Dalai Lama in the latest issue of, The progressive.

I have decided to post a few of the highlights in this post:

On countering terrorism:

We can not blame the entire Muslim society because of the mischievious acts of a few individuals. Therefore, at the general public level we must cultivate the notion of not just one religion, one truth, but pluralism and many truths.


Then, second, there should be a spirit of dialogue. Whenever we see any disagreements, we must think how to solve them on the basis of recognition of oneness of the entire humanity. This is the modern reality. When a certain community is destroyed, in reality it destroys a part of all of us. So there should be a clear recognition that the entire humanity should be considered as a family conflict. We must find a solution within this atmosphere.

It's not easy. If we tackle these problems the wrong way, then while today there is one bid laden, after a few years there will be ten bin ladens. And it is possible that after a few years, there will be 100 bin ladens.

On the male dominated history of Buddhism:

The important thing is that now, for the past thirty years, we have worked to change that. Many nuns are very sincere, but they have had no chance to ascend to the highest ordination level. This has made me somewhat uncomfortable, especially since the Buddha gave equal opportunities to women. But we, even as followers of Buddha, neglected the quality of religious studies in nunneries. For the past forty years, ever since we've been in India, nunneries have developed better. Then, we introduced the same levels of studies for both males and females. Now it is possible for both men and women to get doctorates in Buddhist studies.

The role he would play in a new Tibet:

My own role? Nothing. Zero. As early as 1969, I made an official statement that the very institution of the Dalai Lama, whether it should continue or not, is up to the people. Second, in 1992, I made clear that when the day of our return -- with a certain degree of freedom -- comes, I'll hand over my political authority to the local Tibetan government. Hopefully, that government should be a democratic, elected government. And even while we have remained outside Tibet -- for the last forty-six years -- we have undertaken strong efforts at democratization. In the last four years, we have established an elected political leadership. Since then, I have been in a position of semi-retirement. Once the day of our return comes, I will go into complete retirement. There will be no political role for the Dalai Lama. This will be true not only for me but for any future Dalai Lama.

Thoughts on mortality after turning 70 in July:

At a personal level, as a Buddhist practitioner, I deliberately visualize and think about death in my daily practice. Death is not separated from out lives. Due to my research and thoughts about death, I have some guarantee and some conviction that it will be a positive experience.


Don't you just love that smile on HH?

-Peace to all beings-

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/27/2005

One may desire a spurious respect and precedence among one's fellow monks, and the veneration of outsiders. "Both monks and laity should think it was my doing. They should accept my authority in all matters great or small." This is a fool's way of thinking. His self-seeking and conceit just increase.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/26/2005

Like fresh milk a bad deed does not turn at once. It follows a fool scorching him like a smouldering fire.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Wish

I hope that this Christmas day is a beautiful and bright one to all my Christian friends (and to my non-Christian friends who still celebrate the holiday).

Special thanks for Isaiah for the picture.

-Peace to all beings-

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/25/2005

A fool thinks it like honey so long as the bad deed does not bear fruit, but when it does bear fruit he experiences suffering.
~Gautama Buddha

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/24/2005

Even if a fool lived with a wise man all his life, he would still not recognize the truth, like a wooden spoon cannot recognize the flavor of the soup.
~Gautama Buddha

Friday, December 23, 2005

The Wise Man Recognizes His Own Ignorance

A fool who recognizes his own ignorance is thereby in fact a wise man, but a fool who considers himself wise -- that is what one really calls a fool.

~Gautama Buddha

James's comment: This reminds me of something I read that HH the Dalai Lama said:

The one-time boy king has become the most celebrated man in robes since Mahatma Gandhi, whom he says is his major role model, along with American civil rights advocate Martin Luther King Jr. Yet he insists he never sought the limelight. Others may worship him as a living god, but the Dalai Lama says he's "just a simple monk" with no exceptional wisdom to impart. "Others are always making too much of my words," he says. "People are too serious. All the time, too serious."

-Peace to all beings-

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/23/2005

A fool who recognizes his own ignorance is thereby in fact a wise man, but a fool who considers himself wise -- that is what one really calls a fool.
~Gautama Buddha

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/22/2005

'I've got children', 'I've got wealth.' This is the way a fool brings suffering on himself. He does not even own himself, so how can he have children or wealth?
~Gautama Buddha

Keep Walking Forward

The Dharma Path is to keep walking forward. But the true Dharma has no going forward, no going backward, and no standing still.

-Ajahn Chah, "Still Forest Pool"

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/21/2005

Long is the night for the sleepless. Long is the road for the weary. Long is samsara (the cycle of continued rebirth) for the foolish, who have not recognised the true teaching.
~Gautama Buddha

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/20/2005

Sandalwood, tagara, lotus, jasmine -- the fragrance of virtue is unrivalled by such kinds of perfume.
~Gautama Buddha

Monday, December 19, 2005

Screen Saver Meditation

I enjoy finding new and different ways to meditate in our technology driven, modern society.

Well, yesterday afternoon was one of those days when I discovered a new and unique but effective way to meditate. I was having a really rough weekend after a rough week and I just was feeling too angry and upset to formally meditate so I decided to relax on the couch for awhile as I followed my breath. As I put my head down on a pillow I realized that the laptop was still on in front of me on the coffee table and the screen saver was running.

I had downloaded a screen saver program a few weeks earlier and put various Buddhst images in the program. It flashed images of the Buddha, Bodhisattvas and great teachers of Buddhism which I took in as I relaxed on the couch. So after lying there for a while, breathing deeply and watching the sacred slide show I felt much, much better. Thus, I would recommend using your screen saver as another tool to maintain mindfulness.

-Peace to all beings-

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/19/2005

Just as one can make a lot of garlands from a heap of flowers, so man, subject to birth and death as he is, should make himself a lot of good karma.
~Gautama Buddha

Bhikkhu's Blog on Creationism

Bhikkhu's blog is a wonderful space in the blanga (as aptly named by Nacho over at Woodmoor Village) that I have listed in my "Sangha members" list on the right.

He (A Theravada monk who goes by the name Ajahn Punnadhammo) has a great explaination of the a Buddhist view on the theory of Creationism. To find this piece, scroll down a bit until you see the title, "Reply to my Creationist Correspondent." He also has a great response to evolution and in the end urges us to always seek the middle ground.

-Peace to all beings-

I Found the Buddha at Target!!

It was a casual day out at La Boutique Target looking for a pine scented candle for the holidays when we found him.

He was hiding in between the plants and the candles sitting it deep meditation with his wonderous smile on his face that we all know and love. We asked if he'd like to come home with us and he just nodded.

He is holding a lotus flower in his hands that doubles as a tea light candle holder that casts him in soft, light shadows in the dark. Very beautiful.

We were happy to take him home and put him in a place of prominence sitting in a home with other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

So, if you have a Target near by then you might just find the Buddha there too! If someone is really interested in buying one I would be more then happy to buy another one and ship it to you. You'd have to pay for the shipping as well though.

-Peace to everything that exists and does not exist-

Work to Change Yourself First

Like a fine flower, beautiful to look at but without scent, fine words are fruitless in a man who does not act in accordance with them.

~Gautama Buddha

James's comment: This is one that I need to work on. I am so easy to criticize and judge others when I know full well that I have plenty to work on in cleaning out my own house. Yet another great reminder to work on my own misperceptions. Only then can we expect others to change.

I think it is also important, however, to not beat ourselves up over guilt for not always being "perfect." For one, perfection isn't possible and two, undo guilt only creates more negative karma for ourselves. It's like paying twice for a crime.

-Peace to all things that exist and do not exist-

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/18/2005

Like a fine flower, beautiful to look at but without scent, fine words are fruitless in a man who does not act in accordance with them.
~Gautama Buddha

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/17/2005

Death carries off a man busy picking flowers with an besotted mind, like a great flood does a sleeping village.
~Shakyamuni Buddha

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/16/2005

Seeing your body as no better than an earthen pot, make war on Mara with the sword of wisdom, and setting up your mind as a fortress, defend what you have won, remaining free from attachment.
~Shakyamuni Buddha


All the wealth you've acquired
from beginningless time until now
has failed to fulfill all your desires.
Cultivate therefore this wish-granting gem
of moderation, O fortunate ones.

-Milarepa, "Drinking the Mountain Stream"

James's comment: This reminds me of the lyrics of the Dave Matthews Band song, "Seek Up:"

Say, say
Look at me in my fancy car
And my bank account
Oh, how I wish I could take it all down
Into my grave, I’d save and save
Take a look again, take a look again,
Take a look again...
Soon we will all find our lives swept away

James: This a perfect place to insert the mantra that goes something like this, "Chasing desire is like drinking salt water to satisfy your thrist."

-Peace to all beings-

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/15/2005

With his mind free from the inflow of thoughts and from restlessness, by abandoning both good and evil, an alert man knows no fear.
~Shakyamuni Buddha

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Yin and Yang Galaxy

"In my tradition we speak of 'interbeing.' We cannot 'be' by ourself alone; we must be with everything else," he continued. "So, for example, we 'inter-are' with a tree: if it is not there, we are not there either."

-Thich Nhat Hanh

-Peace to all beings-

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/14/2005

Careful amidst the careless, amongst the sleeping wide- awake, the intelligent man leaves them all behind, like a race-horse does a mere hack.
~Shakyamuni Buddha

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/13/2005

Don't indulge in careless behavior. Don't be the friend of sensual pleasures. He who meditates attentively attains abundant joy.
~Shakyamuni Buddha

Monday, December 12, 2005

Old Path, White Clouds

At Sangha yesterday before meditation we heard a brief reading from Thay's book, "Old Path, White Clouds. The section we heard was about the meditations of the Buddha during his transportation to enlightenment. The reading really set the mood for the sitting practice.

I thought the way that Thay has written this book really brings the story of the Buddha to life and I need to get this book!!

-Peace to all beings-

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/12/2005

Foolish, ignorant people indulge in careless lives, whereas a clever man guards his attention as his most precious possession.
~Shakyamuni Buddha

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Meditation and Ravi Shankar

I've been having some great meditation sessions lately. I've been sitting in silence for 20 minutes and then ending my sitting with listening to a 20 minute raga played by sitar master Ravi Shankar. Shankar's entrancing playing puts one into a place of going beyond everything and being blended into everything that exists. If you haven't listened to the sitar then I recommend you give it a listen and start with the master himself, Ravi Shankar. You can't go wrong with any of his albums but I would recommend beginning with his older, traditional stuff from the '60's to start such as:

-Three Ragas
-Live at the Monterey International Pop Festival
-Ravi Shankar in San Francisco

-Peace to all beings-

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/11/2005

Attention leads to immortality. Carelessness leads to death. Those who pay attention will not die, while the careless are as good as dead already.
~Shakyamuni Buddha

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/10/2005

In the same way that rain breaks into a house with a bad roof, desire breaks into the mind that has not been practicing meditation.
~Gautama Buddha

Friday, December 9, 2005

Bodhi Day or Enlightenment Day

Yesterday was Bodhi Day or Enlightenment Day and I wanted to post something about it today since I didn't get a chance yesterday.

Bodhi Day--Usually observed December 8 or the Sunday immediately preceding, is the date, according to Mahayana tradition, of Siddhartha Gautama’s realization and presentation to his fellow seekers of the Four Noble Truths.

James's comment: Sometimes we Buddhists can feel a little left out during the year end holidays and so Bodhi Day is a great opportunity for us to be apart of the season. So you might want to take a moment either today or sunday to remember the enlightenment of the Buddha and rededicate yourself to the path of the Bodhisattva. It is also a great opportunity to celebrate the present moment and to offer service to those with less then us.

Another holiday for Buddhists comes on the first full moon of January as the Buddhist New Year. It is a chance to renew our commitment to live the Dharma in the new year. Yet another holiday is the celebration of the birth of the Buddha on the 8th of April or the sunday before(bows).

-Peace to all beings-

Lord Ganesh

Yesterday I stopped by the Nepal-Tibet Import store to pick up some more incense and saw this beautiful statue of Ganesh (click image to enlarge) and had to have it. I wasn't going to pick it up because usually these gorgeous statues are $50 or more but this one was a steal at $35. I love to collect religious images/statues and especially Buddhist or Hindu ones. I already have a Shiva statue but Ganesh is by far my favorite Hindu God.

Lord Ganesh is the virtual son of Lord Shiva and is seen in the Hindu faiths as the Remover of Obstacles and the God of domestic harmony and success. He is the most beloved of all the Hindu Gods. He was created as an ordinary boy but was decapitated in battle. Shiva's emissaries were sent into the forest and told to get the head of the first animal they found and to fit that head onto the boy's neck.

-Peace to all beings-

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/9/2005

The man who wears the yellow-dyed robe but is not free from stains himself, without self-restraint and integrity, is unworthy of the robe.
~Gautama Buddha

Thursday, December 8, 2005

Loving-Kindness Meditation...Forgiveness

"Please put the attention on the breath.
Have forgiveness in your heart for anything you think you've done wrong . Forgive yourself for all the past omissions and commissions. They are long gone. Understand that you were a different person and this one is forgiving that one that you were. Feel that forgiveness filling you and enveloping you with a sense of warmth and ease.
Think of your parents. Forgive them for anything you have ever blamed them for. Understand that they too are different now. Let this forgiveness fill them, surround them, knowing in your heart that this is your most wonderful way of togetherness.
Think of your nearest and dearest people . Forgive them for anything that you think they have done wrong or are doing wrong at this time. Fill them with your forgiveness. Let them feel that you accept them. Let that forgiveness fill them. Realizing that this is your expression of love.
Now think of your friends. Forgive them for anything you have disliked about them. Let your forgiveness reach out to them, so that they can be filled with it, embraced by it.
Think of the people you know, whoever they might be, and forgive them all for whatever it is that you have blamed them for, that you have judged them for, that you have disliked. Let your forgiveness fill their hearts, surround them, envelope them, be your expression of love for them.
Now think of any special person whom you really need to forgive. Towards whom you still have resentment, rejection, dislike. Forgive him or her fully. Remember that everyone has dukkha. Let this forgiveness come from your heart. Reach out to that person, complete and total.
Think of any one person, or any situation, or any group of people whom you are condemning, blaming, disliking. Forgive them, completely. Let your forgiveness be your expression of unconditional love. They may not do the right things. Human beings have dukkha. And your heart needs the forgiveness in order to have purity of love.
Have a look again and see whether there's anyone or anything, any where in the world, towards whom you have blame or condemnation. And forgive the people or the person, so that there is no separation your heart.
Now put your attention back on yourself. And recognize the goodness in you. The effort you are making. Feel the warmth and ease that comes from forgiveness."
May all beings have forgiveness in their hearts!

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/8/2005

The Tempter cannot master a man who dwells on the distasteful side of things, self-controlled in his senses, moderate in eating, resolute and full of faith, like the wind cannot move a mountain crag.
~Gautama Buddha

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/7/2005

The Tempter masters the lazy and irresolute man who dwells on the attractive side of things, ungoverned in his senses, and unrestrained in his food, like the wind overcomes a rotten tree.
~Gautama Buddha

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

My Happy Continuation Day!!

James: Yesterday was my 30th birthday but I prefer to use the Thay's term, "Happy Continuation Day" to describe the special event. If you are not aware of this concept then allow me to quote Thich Nhat Hanh:

If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people. To be born means that something which did not exist comes into existence. But the day we are “born” is not our beginning. It is a day of continuation. But that should not make us less happy when we celebrate our “Happy Continuation Day.” Since we are never born, how can we cease to be? This is what the Heart Sutra reveals to us. When we have tangible experience of non-birth and non-death, we know ourselves beyond duality. The meditation on “no separate self” is one way to pass through the gate of birth and death. Your hand proves that you have never been born and you will never die. The thread of life has never been interrupted from time without beginning until now. Previous generations, all the way back to single cell beings, are present in your hand at this moment. You can observe and experience this. Your hand is always available as a subject for meditation.

--Thich Nhat Hanh, Present Moment, Wonderful Moment

James: I received a beautiful gift of a Tibetan singing bowl (like the one pictured) for my continuation day from my generous wife. The bowl has such a rich and enlightening sound that will be a great addiction to my practice. It has some markings on it one of which are the eye's of the Buddha that you often see on Nepalese/Tibetan temples and monasteries. In the very bottom of the bowl is a "yin/yang" symbol with the mantra of compassion, OM MANI PADME HUNG repeated all around the outside.

Happy continuation day is a great time to reflect on the impermanence and interconnectivity of all things.

-Peace to all-

Buddhist Concept of Friendship

Some critics have a tendency to label Buddhism as a religion with supra-mundane goals, devoid of the concept of love and friendship for living in this world. But the Tripitaka furnishes us with ample evidence to prove that the Buddha considered living in harmony and friendship without disputes (Samagga Sammodamana avivadamana) an important human relationship based on love. Metta or Loving Kindness envelopes much more than mere love. Etymologically the word Metta means the nature of a friend - (mittassa sabhavo).
In other words, a friendly spirit which is edified, not only on love, but on loving kindness. In modern parlance, the word "love" has rather a cheap connotation, but Metta when taken in its real perspective encapsulates all the noble human feelings a person could shower on another." Metta (loving kindness), Karuna (compassion), Muditha (altruistic joy) and Upeksha (equanimity), which are known as Satara Brahma Vihara or the Four Noble patterns of behaviour form the very sheet anchor of Buddhist friendly, ethical conduct. The spirit of love and friendship promulgated by these, cover a much wider spectrum than mere love, which is supposed to be lacking in Buddhism.
It is mentioned in Samyutta Nikaya that once Ven. Ananda approached the Buddha and remarked that "half of the dispensation is based on friendship, companionship and association with the good." to which the Buddha replied " Ven. Ananda, do not say so. Not half, but man's entire life is established on friendship, companionship and association with the good."The friendly disposition among the Bhikkus towards each other was so admirable and imitable that King Ajatasattu who was not so well disposed towards Buddhism had remarked according to Samananaphala Sutta of the Digha Nikaya that "the monks lived in unity talking to each other with mutual friendliness ..... mixing with each other like milk and water and seeing each other with pleasing eyes." (Nirodha Ki Dhuta annamannam Piya Cakkhuhi Sampassamana) and had even gone further and said, "How nice it would be if my son Udayabhadda too could possess these friendly qualities."
Again, it occurs in Majjhima Nikaya that once the Buddha questioned Ven. Anuruddha how the Bhikkhus were getting along with each other, and the Venerable replied thus, "Lord, we have diverse bodies but assuredly only one mind." (Na na hi kho pan a bhante kayam ekam ca kho manne cittam).
Two types of friendsAs far as the laity is concerned, the Tipitaka abounds with examples to show that the guidance of good friends is very essential for life here and hereafter. The Buddha has described two types of friends, Kalyana Mitta (the good friend) and Papa Mitta (the evil friend). A famous stanza in the
Dhammapada says, "Do not keep company with evil friends or those who are mean. Associate with the good and bold friends." (Na bhaje papake mitte-na bhaje purisadhame, bhajetha mitta kalyane-bhajetha purisuttame). All parents should instil into the minds of their children the noble advice conveyed by this stanza. The Buddha has advised us to lead a lonely life in case we cannot find a decent friend. But never keep the company of a fool. (eka cariyam dalham kariya-natthi balo sahayaka). Mahamangala Sutra which enumerates 38 blessings to guide one in life's journey starts with avoiding the company of fools as the first blessing.
Friendship is a force that has no parallel; there is no other single power that can generate good qualities in a person as friendship with the good because, after a certain age children stop emulating their parents and start imitating their friends.
The Buddha's advice regarding friends could be well comprehended by absorbing the contents of the Sigalovada Sutra. Sigala, who had very devout Buddhist parents was indifferent to religion. The Buddha explained inter alia who an evil friend and a good friend are:- A foe in the guise of a friend or a Papa Mitta will appropriate a friend's possessions, render mere lip service, flatter, will give little with the idea of taking much, will associate for his own advantage, tries to gain favor by empty words and when the opportunity arises for action, he will give an excuse and express his inability to render any service. An evil friend also praises and approves his friends bad deeds whlle the good deeds go unnoticed and upraised. He praises the friend in his presence and rebukes him in his absence.
The Buddha has explained further how a foe in the guise of a friend (mitta patirupaka) brings about the ruin of a person in four ways. He is a companion in indulging in intoxicants which gives rise to infatuation and heedlessness. He is a ready companion to frequent the streets at ungodly hours. He is a companion to attend theatrical shows and he is a companion in gambling which causes one's downfall.

Next, the Buddha tells Sigala the four types of friends who could be reckoned as warmhearted and dear. He who is a helpmate, does not change in happiness or sorrow, gives good counsel and sympathizes. Upakaro ca ya mitto-yo ca mitto sukhe dukkhe dtthakkhayi ca yo mitto-ya ca-mittanukampike." A wise person having understood these four kinds of friends, should cherish them and associate with them as a mother tends her only son. (etepi mitte cattaro-Iti vinnaya pandita, sakkaccani payiru paseyya Mata puttamva orasam).
According to Nettippakarana there are seven qualities by which you can judge a friend. He should be pleasant and loveable, respectful, worthy of emulation, willing to engage in useful conversation, willing to tolerate words, engages in profound talk and never exhorts groundlessly. Today, the younger generation have a tendency to shun good advice and show resentment when their faults are pointed out by even parents. A stanza in the Dhammapada spells out a bit of excellent advice. "Someone who points out your mistakes, declare them as weaknesses and condemns them, think of such a person as one showing you a treasure. Associate with wise people of that nature. (midhinam va pavattaram-yam passe vajja dassinam; niggayhavadim medhavi tadisam pabditam bhaje). This shows that a friend need not be always sweet and soft spoken, but could resort to constructive criticism.
How to win FriendshipThe Buddha has explained how to win and keep friends. By being generous one can surely win friends (dadam mittani ganthati) and also by being courteous and benevolent. Rajoice in your friend's achievements, praise any commendable acts and strong points. But the Buddha says that if you always keep on talking of your friend's goodness, kindness, greatness and so on, then you are trying to deceive him. In dealing with friends, one's word should be as clean as the actions.
According to the Jataka Pali, striking a friendship is one, maintaining it is another. Buddha has given invaluable advice not only to keep the friendship but also to make the bonds stronger. One should not visit the friends too often or overstay the welcome.This changes the friend to a foe. If your friend loses something, then you may be under a cloud. Visiting a friend too often invariably leads to gossip, which will involve you in a vortex of trouble. Buddha says that, it is equally bad not to visit your friends at all. You should judge for yourself how often you should visit your friend, how long you should stay and so on. Buddha has pointed out that a friendship deteriorates by asking favours, especially at wrong times. If at all you ask a favour, it should not be unreasonable or of a demanding nature. Asking favours far too often makes you a pest more than a friend.
Buddha has explained that if someone wants to bring about his own ruin or downfall, he could associate with Papa mitta or evil friends who are gamblers, libertines, tripplers, cheats, swindlers or violent thugs. Buddhist Commentarial Tradition defines a friend thus: - "A friend is one whose association leads to spiritual profitability, protects you from evil that may befall you and is inclined towards your welfare."
In this manner, Buddhism points out the basic ingredients to foster a healthy friendship, minimize friction and displeasure, promote good will, and companionship and ultimately bring about one's welfare here, and spiritual progress leading to the realization of the Supreme Bliss of Nirvana.
The foregoing facts show that Buddha's admonition regarding how to chose friends, win them and keep them expounded in the 6th Century before the common era surpasses all books of the twentieth century on this subject and the Buddhist Concept of Friendship remains a vibrant force forever.

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/6/2005

Those who have not lived the holy life, and have not acquired wealth in their youth, grow old like withered cranes beside a fishless pool.
~Gautama Buddha

Monday, December 5, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/5/2005

An ignorant man ages like an ox. His flesh may increase, but not his understanding.

Sunday, December 4, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/4/2005

Look at the decorated puppet, a mass of wounds and of composite parts, full of disease and always in need of attention. It has no enduring stability.

Saturday, December 3, 2005

Thay's Advice on Anger

Anger is something that I deal with on a regular basis (as we all do). It is sometimes very easy to become angry because I have (historically) had a problem with patience which often leads to anger.

Anyway, I've been reading Thay's book, "Anger" and it has really helped me (as well as my meditation practice). In the book he gives a great example of how we are to take care of our anger and sit with it instead of seeking revenge on the person(s) who "made us angry."

He says:

If your house is on fire, the most urgent thing to do is to go back and try to put out the fire, not to run after the person you believe to be the arsonist. If you run after the person you suspect has burned your house, your house will burn down while you are chasing him or her. That is not wise. You must go back and put the fire out. So when you are angry, if you continue to interact with or argue with the other person, if you try to punish her, you are acting exactly like someone who runs after the arsonist while everything goes up in flames.

I do not always do this wise practice but I have come a long way since I have started on the path of the dharma.

This is a great teaching and something I have really engrained in my mind for future reference when the fires of anger pop up.

PHOTO: "James" meditating on our most recent vacation to Hawaii (I was a lot skinnier then but everything must change! Tis' the nature of existence).

-Peace to all beings-

BigHappyBuddha Makes the Front Page!

Local Sales Boom Online

Offering products from sheet music to original art to garden Buddha statues, Madison-area companies are cashing in on the national surge in online shopping. Some have developed far-ranging reputations in their product niches and many are doing much better than statistics that project a 24 percent national increase in online shopping to $19.6 billion this year.
If you think a giant Buddha statue might be a perfect addition to the yard, Ryan Burda runs an online site called in Middleton. The company sells Buddha statues and other Buddhist- related items nationwide.
Burda said sales are up 50 percent this year, especially during the holiday season, causing him to hire three part- time workers and perhaps add more employees. He said singer Ricky Martin once bought a garden statue from the site, and he provided 500 Buddha figurines for party favors at an inauguration party for California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
"We're not looking to sell products to everybody," he said. "We're trying to have a big selection of fun, spiritual products at reasonable prices."

Wishing My Grandma a Happy 81st Birthday!

Today December 3rd 1924, my grandmother Eleanor Concetta Anzelone was born. She is just awsome, always has been and always will be. I love you Gram!

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/3/2005

What is this laughter, what is this delight, forever burning (with desires) as you are? Enveloped in darkness as you are, will you not look for a lamp?

Friday, December 2, 2005

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/2/2005

Neither naked asceticism, matted hair, dirt, fasting, sleeping on the ground, dust and mud, nor prolonged sitting on one's heels can purify a man who is not free of doubts.