Monday, March 6, 2006

Another Book to Add to the Stack

I am going to shamelessly lift much of a post from the blog Meditate NYC because it is so good.

The writer recommends what seems to be an excellent book. I must read it being the book worm that I am. The book is titled, "The Book of Rinzai: The Recorded Sayings of Zen Master Rinzai (Linji)." Translated by Eido Roshi:

[MNYC]: Contemporary readers will find in The Book of Rinzai the same demanding spirit as Bodhidharma, the first patriarch of Zen. Bodhidharma urges practitioners to go beyond the writings and sayings of the sages and depend on themselves for liberation. Master Rinzai speaks to Zen students in the same vein:

"Followers of the Way, don’t consider Buddha to be the ultimate truth. In my view, it is like a shit hole. Bodhisattvas and arhats are chains to bind people . . . Even the doctrines of the Three Vehicles, the Five Natures, and the perfect enlightenment, all these are nothing but medicine to cure temporary diseases. There is no true Dharma . . . If you seek Buddha, you will lose Buddha. If you seek the Way, you will lose the Way. If you seek the Patriarch, you will lose the Patriarch."

[MNYC]: He relentlessly implores us to attain genuine insight:

"Nowadays, those of you who practice Buddha-Dharma need to have true insight. If you get true insight, you will no longer be tainted by life and death, and you will be free to go or stay."

[MNYC]: In these times of excessive materialism and comforts, Master Rinzai’s words serve as a wake-up call to remind us of the urgency with which we should practice:

"Followers of the Way, you must not be deceived by your illusory companion. Sooner or later, you will face impermanence. What are you seeking in this world in order to emancipate yourself? You look for something to eat, spend time patching your robe. You would better visit an outstanding master, rather than hanging around and pursuing comfort. You must begrudge the passing of the day. Remember that moment after moment is impermanence itself. Don’t be swayed by external circumstances."

[MNYC]: This new translation is a much-needed addition to the many books on Zen that already line the shelves of bookstores. To order your own copy of The Book of Rinzai, or for more information, please visit, or call the Zen Studies Society at (845) 439-4566.


-Peace to all beings-

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