Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hearing the Ocean in my Dish Washer.

I sat down to meditate
this afternoon and
was immediately distracted
by the dish washer
roaring in the background.

I breathed deeply,
however, and soon I was letting myself
be in the moment.

Settling into mindfulness
I was able to think about
the dish washer and what it was doing
and not just the noise it was making.

Then I focused on the interconnectivity
of all things and my concentration floated
back to the dish washer--
this time with new ears and awareness.

I had the realization that without the noise
I would not have clean dishes!!
I smiled and thanked the dish washer
(and the noise) in helping me live an easier life.

My mental formation was, "What a great invention" rather then, "That machine is so noisey. I hate the dish washer."

What a difference mindfulness brings to ones state of mind.

A few deep breaths later I began to hear something beautiful
in the noise. It sounded just like the waves of an ocean
crashing onto a rocky beach!! I settled into that image
and soon my breath was in sink with the in's and out's of the waves.

It was so nice to meditate along a beach this afternoon.

~Peace to all beings~

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