Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The World is an Illusion

When the world arises in me,
It is just an illusion:
Water shimmering in the sun,
A vein of silver in mother-of-pearl,
A serpent in a strand of rope.

From me the world streams out
And in me it dissolves,
As a bracelet melts into gold,
A pot crumbles into clay,
A wave subsides into water.

-Ashtavakra Gita 2: 9-10

James: This is an appropriate message today as it is has been raining heavily all day and it has been such a calming energy. I stare out into the driving rain and I am one with each droplet. It has been a wonderful meditation for me through out the morning and now afternoon.

I subside into the rain.

As the rain poured down I wondered why I wasn't seeing a huddle of birds that I normally see on stormy days such as this and then I realized the feeder was empty!! I ran outside and went to fill the feeder and in doing so found two wasps stuck in the feeder that were barely moving. I rescued them with a stick and put them up against the wall under the patio to dry out. I hope they make it through this day but I doubt it. If they do have their continuation day today then I hope that they are reborn in a state where they can find and realize liberation.

PHOTO: "Rain Drops on Pine Branch Needles" by Eric Kamp.

~Peace to all beings~

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