Friday, May 18, 2007


Well, here we are in Merrie Olde. Well, hardly Olde. This is Heathrow Airport. And not really very Merrie. Long lines everywhere, particularly at security. Strictly enforced rules. Ellie was carrying her side bag AND a very small handbag, and the sign said one bag only. Before being allowed to enter security, she had to put the hand bag into the side bag--to create, yes! one bag. The airport is a veritable rabbit warren and a polyglot, so many human beings headed importantly, like ourselves, in their various directions. Across the way from where I sit at my pay computer (two pounds in the slot!) I see Harrods of Knightsbridge--the airport version. Somehow it doesn't feel like "home."

An easy flight, though. Ellie had bought our tickets months ago, and thanks to her foresight, we were able to upgrade for the transatlantic leg of our trip. United seemed to have imporved quite a bit since our last lengthy trip. Good food, pleasant service, easy access to flim and music. All in all, the time went very fast. Grateful for that. We're waiting, now, for our Lufthansa flight to Munich. Ellie perusing the shops. PaL at his little rental computer, posting to The Buddha Diaries. (I was grateful also, this morning early, for a good half hour's meditation on the plane. It makes all the difference to the waiting in lines!)

More later, from Germany, assuming I can find the access. Should be no problem. And the time. That could be harder. Good wishes to all Buddha Diaries friends!

PS I notice there are several comments on yesterday's entries. Thank you! Please understand, though, that I won't be responding very much from Europe. Love to hear from you. Always read you--and often respond. Patience, please, for the next three weeks! Cheers, PaL

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