Tuesday, December 18, 2007


... takes his ease...

He sat motionless on my lap during meditation this morning, and silent but for the occasional gentle snore. He is plainly unperturbed by the state of the world. It matters little to him that the "most powerful man in the world" speaks in ever greater inanities. His "gift wrapped in shit" comes unwrapped, actually, on his morning and evening walks, and is left for me to wrap and deposit in the closest trash can. Ah, well, a greater wisdom than I am able to muster.

George also, wisely, refrains from bothering himself with political involvement. As for me, I am changing my mind and thought I'd let you know about it. I have mentioned, surely, that my heart is with Kucinich. Sadly, though he speaks more sense than the rest of them put together when he is allowed a word in the great "debates," he is allowed too few of them to be a a viable candidate. I'm grateful to him for being there, to give an ounce of perspective to the rest of the line-up. I like Obama for his youth and vision, but it's John Edwards who speaks closest to my mind. When he talks of the change that's needed, he's far more radical than Clinton and Obama; from their lips, "change" sounds more like a word than a necessity. With the experience of a trial lawyer, Edwards might be the one to stand up against the corporate powers that constitute that "oligarchy" I was speaking of the other day.

I'd be grateful for your thoughts. Otherwise, for The Buddha Diaries today, I plan to follow George's excellent example. Cheers, everyone...

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