Saturday, April 10, 2010


Well, the day finally arrived for us to send our family back to England, and we both shed a few tears when the door closed behind them and the limo took them off to the airport. But first...

... we all went out for breakfast at Home, and took a few last pictures of the grandchildren. Here's Joe the Movie Star...

... and Georgia the Movie Star...

... and Georgia and Alice, both Movie Stars...

... and Mum and Dad. Movie stars? (Dad looks a trifle worried...)

... and the whole gang of us, before we ordered...

After breakfast, we all took a walk in Silver Lake, up in the hills through the residential streets and back alongside the reservoir, where I pointed out a couple of herons' nests up in the eucalyptus trees (I always thought herons nested in the reeds, but here in the city, it seems, they nest in trees...) No pictures, I regret. We left the camera in the car. Then Ellie and Diane left with Alice on a final shopping spree at the new Americana plaza in Glendale, while Matthew and the twins and I opted wisely to stay out of it and spend the time at home. The twins embarked on a major planning project for Halloween (!), creating an elaborate drawing and narrative on a long butcher paper scroll that Ellie had given them.

When the girls returned with their loot (Alice's, I think, mostly) they put the final touches on the packing (four huge suitcases, plus backpacks and side bags!) and were ready to leave a little earlier than planned. We loaded up the limo and said our fond goodbyes...

... with a last hug for the plane ride home...

And a bonus memory of the twins, asleep in Joshua Tree!

At the end of it all, early evening, Ellie and I stopped off to visit briefly with her sister, Susie, who is relocating this weekend from Los Angeles to San Diego, and her son, Ellie's nephew, Danny, who flew in from New York to help his mother with the move; and finally drove back down to Laguna Beach, more than slightly exhausted, but so happy to have had the chance to spend these wonderful days with family.

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