Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I use the quotes advisedly. And in anger. I read the headline in today's New York Times in disbelief. A Washington DC judge, it seems, has overturned the executive order, issued early in Obama's term, that allowed the scientific use of embryonic stem cells that George W. Bush had prohibited. The judge acted on a case brought principally by a "Christian" adoption agency on behalf of embryos. Now thousands upon thousands of already living human beings are forced to relinquish the hope that stem cell offered for the treatment of their diseases and disabilities; and hundreds of already advanced scientific research programs will be halted.

I was brought up a Christian, and do not recognize what is practiced and preached today in this country in the name of Christ to be anything close to what I was taught as a youngster. I do not believe that my father, an Anglican minister, would have recognized it either. From the literal-minded, intelligence-defying "creationism" to the angry, blinkered dogmatism that promotes this kind of perverse, unyielding, fanatical opposition to stem cell research, these people show as little mercy and as little civilized common sense as the Taliban.

What kind of God do they worship, that inspires such woeful, pitiless ignorance?

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