Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Curious. I have noticed a significant increase in readership in the past few days, and don't know how to account for it. Is it something I said?

Welcome, anyway, to any new readers who might have stumbled my way. And please remember, if you find something of value in "The Buddha Diaries," to spread the word. I have never been one of those writers who subscribe to the notion that "I do it for myself." The other--indispensable--half of writing is the reader. Writing, for me, is an act of communication between human minds, and it makes no sense otherwise. I love that the blogosphere has opened up such great possibilities for those of us who write to create our own communities. There's a magic to it that I never fail to appreciate.

If you come back tomorrow, I hope to have found the time today to write something about uncertainty. Of course, given the nature of the topic, I can't be sure that it will get done.

I am still immersed in that book about Montaigne (How to Live) and find huge chunks of deeply resonant thought on every page...

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