Monday, March 14, 2011

Here We Are...

... nearly a week after I mentioned that an unexpected deadline put The Buddha Diaries on temporary hold. The assignment is now completed and approved. It's a catalogue text about the artist Yisrael K. Feldsott, whose work I wrote about in these pages a couple of months ago. It was a challenging project, devouring a good part of my time over the past few days, only shortly before our departure for the Northwest later this morning. I'm sure that I'll be posting the Feldsott text once it has been published, because the work deserves to be known more widely. This image...

... is just a snapshot taken at the LA Art Fair, but it gives you some idea of the power and passion of the work.

Now our bags are packed and we leave, initially for Portland, Oregon in a couple of hours, and on to Seattle on Thursday. If you're in either city, it would be a great pleasure to meet you. Aside from a conference workshop in Seattle, I have two public events on the schedule: I'll be speaking at the Portland Art Museum at 6PM on Wednesday, and at the Greg Kucera Gallery (212 Third Avenue S) in Seattle on Saturday morning at 11AM.

As usual, when we're traveling, I'm unsure what time I'll get for The Buddha Diaries. I'm feeling a bit cut off from my daily writing practice at the moment--I'm so addicted to the blog that I experience a kind of persistent malaise when I'm not making the regular entries. Ah, well. I'll keep you "posted." Meantime, if you do get to one of those events up north, please be sure to introduce yourself.

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