Wednesday, October 26, 2005


In this simple healing meditation, you send the powerful healing Life Force directly to the area in need of help. This Life Force is the energy behind all healing. Wherever this energy is flowing and in balance, there is health and well being. Wherever this energy is blocked or out of balance, illness manifests.

Steps of Energy Healing Meditation

1. Sit reasonably straight and close your eyes.

2. Breath slowly, as silently as possible.

3. As you inhale, feel yourself breathing the healing Life Force in through your solar plexus. Picture this Life Force as a very refined, light energy.

4. As you exhale, gently direct this light energy to the afflicted area. If there is not a specific ailing area, disperse this light energy throughout your body as you exhale.

5. Continue until you feel the area has received enough Life Force.

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