Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Clear Mind, The Moon and Clouds

Clear mind is like the full moon in the sky. Sometimes clouds come and cover it, but the moon is always behind them. Clouds go away, then the moon shines brightly. So don't worry about clear mind: it is always there. When thinking comes, behind it is clear mind. When thinking goes, there is only clear mind. Thinking comes and goes, comes and goes, You must not be attached to the coming or the going.

-Zen Master Seung Sahn

James's comment: It's an issue of balance in all things. Sometimes I only focus on the attachment part and not so much the rejection or judgement of thoughts. I forget the yin and yang nature of existence. In these moments I think that attachment is the bigger issue refusing to acknowledge that aversion is just as bad a problem. I tend to judge too much, criticize and lament over the "blocking clouds" of what I perceive to be "unjust pain and suffering." I go into panic mode when the clouds cover the "clear mind" thinking I have lost it for good because of the blocking clouds and that for made up reason I am a failure for not preventing clouds from blocking the moon!! It is a "God/perfectionist" complex that somehow I can prevent the inevitable. Insanity.

It is also a sort sightedness where I just try to force the "unpleasant" things/clouds out of my thoughts/life. It is in trying to force the clouds to move that they reactively cling to the moon of the clear mind even more and/or more clouds move in to create an even more dense fog!

During these times I forget the idea of impermanence that this will all pass eventually and on its own time and that I should just go with the flow and ride it out. To be patient, breath deeply and remember that clear mind is always there no matter what the "situation" may seem like.

It is easy for me to become swept up in the suffering, cry and pout about the perceived blockage and "unjustice." I forget that suffering is inevitable and that for some reason I am better then everyone else and shouldn't have to "suffer" so much. OUCH!! My instinct is always to fight it and fighting a cloud is a waste of time and mental energy. Better to watch it all unfold and remain neutral and wait for it to pass and remind myself that stability and peace are always there. Even and especially in times when it seems that I have been forgotten and lost.

I hope this rant made sense!

-Peace to all beings-

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