Thursday, March 1, 2007

Missing the Moment

It is often the case that whatever we are doing, be it sitting, walking, standing, or lying, the mind is frequently disengaged from the immediate reality and is instead absorbed in compulsive conceptualization about the future or past. While we are walking, we think about arriving, and when we arrive, we think about leaving. When we are eating, we think about the dishes and as we do the dishes, we think about watching television. This is a weird way to run a mind. We are not connected with the present situation, but we are always thinking about something else. Too often we are consumed with anxiety and cravings, regrets about the past and anticipation for the future, completely missing the crisp simplicity of the moment.

--B. Alan Wallace, Tibetan Buddhism from the Ground Up

James: This is funny because as I was reading this quote I was also listening to the radio. Ha!! I often catch myself trying to do two things at once. Sometimes I find myself turning on the t.v. just to have some noise in the background. Silly monkey mind. The ego-self is like a drug addict. They seek the drug to feel good but that's not good enough because as soon as they're high they're already thinking about where they're going to get their next dose.

~Peace to all beings~

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