Monday, September 3, 2007

This Week...

.... I'll be gone. Today is our last (half) day of the summer in Laguna Beach. We leave around midday to return to our Los Angeles abode (it's 100 degrees up there! Ugh!) There will be plenty of catch-up to be done--mail, bills, etc., and a new recorded piece for The Art of Outrage to be completed--before we leave for the drive up to San Francisco Wednesday morning. Two days there, doing mostly art things: I'm embarking on a catalogue text for the artist Masami Teraoka, and his main gallery is there. He also has a big show at the Sonoma State University gallery, so there should be some good opportunities to see his work first hand. Friday, we drive on to Napa--and the wedding, Saturday, of the daughter of some of our oldest friends.

While I myself am planning to take a vacation from The Buddha Diaries, bear with me. I'll be prevailing upon the stalwart Cardozo to keep things going. There should be at least a couple of entries during the week, perhaps in the form of our "Conversations" or "The Buddha Diaries Recommends." Who knows, I might even find myself in front of a computer with the irrepressible urge to say something...

I must admit to some anxiety about taking a vacation--particularly at a moment when the blog has been sailing along quite nicely, gathering new readers throughout the country and the world. I do love the opportunity the blogosphere has given me to speak to others, and to hear back from them, and there's this little superstitious part inside my head, warning me that if I don't post every single day, no one will love me any more...! Ridiculous, no? So, my challenge is to breathe, let go, and trust. A good exercise, surely, and one that I'll find exceptionally hard to do.

Wish me luck! See you next week! Blessings, PeterAtLarge

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