Monday, September 29, 2008


My friends are outraged. I thought that today, at the beginning of a new week, I would let them have the floor. They are eloquent in their anger.

My friend Carly, a frequent correspondent on The Buddha Diaries, sends me a forward:

My friend Kirsten, who now lives in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and watches things from afar, sends me her own rant. It's a long one, be patient with it.

And my friend Gary, a Los Angeles-based artist whose mural- and ceiling-painting business takes him frequently to China, writes this colorful piece of invective with his two young sons in mind.

Right Speech? I think each speaks the truth, and I personally find their rage appropriate in the circumstance to which these past years of misguided policy and incompetence have brought us. Judge for yourself...

(I have parked these three pieces for convenience in my other blog, Accidental Dharma, where I still welcome those stories of "gifts wrapped in shit.")

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