Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Tricycle Meditation Challenge 2009.

Meditation is not a means to an end. It is both the means and the end.
~Jiddu Krisnamurti

I'm out of shape and not physically--o.k., well I do need to lose some weight but I'm talking about meditation. Other than today I haven't meditated in a long, long time (blushing) but I have decided to make it a new year resolution to meditate more in 2009. Today I received the most recent newsletter from Tricycle magazine and they are proposing what they call a 90-day meditation challenge.

So to begin my resolution and the new year I have decided to take that challenge. I am going to get back into the groove by meditating every day for 90 days--even if for only 5-10 minutes. They say that they'll have some additional information regarding the challenge in the February issue.

It's always easier to maintain a resolution with the help of friends and their encouragement and even participation. So if anyone wants to do this with me I think that'd be great and we could all motivate each other during the challenge. My goal is to not stop after the 90 day period but to take that good habit energy and roll it into a 401k, er wait that's not it. My goal is to take that good habit energy and roll it into a strong year of meditation. I'm going to also keep a daily log of how things are going along the way--some of which I might include as updates at the bottom of my posts.

~Peace to all beings~

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