Monday, May 25, 2009

"Time, Time...

... said old King Tut/Is something I ain't got anything but"--quoth Archy the Cockroach, alias Don Marquis. Well, I'm no King Tut, not yet anyway. But time does fascinate me. Today, for example, Memorial Day, 2009, is the 40th anniversary of my first meeting with Ellie. I can look back over that wealth of time and be amazed at everything that has happened in the course of our lives; or it can seem no more than a flash.

A propos of which, another dream last night. Or another dream fragment:

I dreamed I woke and checked the clock beside my bed and it was 6:09AM. Then I dreamed I went back to sleep and woke again, really, and it was only 1:19AM. The mind reels. The mind, er, reals...

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