Saturday, January 30, 2010

Obama: A Stellar Performance

Did you catch any of the broadcasts of Obama at that gathering of Republican congressional representatives yesterday? It was a masterful performance. One hundred and forty of them, many with distinctly hostile questions about his policy and his handling of the Presidency, and he took them all on with extraordinary grace, ease, and good humor. For two full hours. Above all, he demonstrated an amazing grasp of the issues, often much broader and deeper than his questioners. So much, too, for those who have scoffed at his use of the teleprompter. Here, he spoke extemporaneously, without notes; he answered the questions that were asked, often turning the barb around on the questioner--though always without malice. He seemed entirely at ease, presidential, in command of the situation. In front of him, in the audience, his questioners seemed small, petty, inconsequential.

I heard that the Republicans regretted their decision to allow a live broadcast of the session. They must have expected to score points. They did not. I wish it had been required watching for every independent voter who has started to lose faith in the man they were responsible for electing. This session made clear that the problem is not with their choice, but rather with a political climate and a law-making system that allow his leadership to be hobbled by those with poisonous political agendas but no ethical perspective on the obligations of government. One man alone cannot do what's needed to be done in this country, not even a man with presidential powers.

In case you missed it, I invite you to go back to Gary's excellent comment on Thursday's entry in The Buddha Diaries. He says is all, loud and clear, upper case! Have a good weekend!

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