Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Fresh Air Fund

Readers will surely remember that The Buddha Diaries supports The Fresh Air Fund with donations, as well as passing along an occasional appeal for host families, to allow inner city kids some contact with the larger world around them in the summer time. (For more information, you'll find a tag lower down in the right-hand sidebar.) I myself am a great believer in the healing power of nature, and once again would like to let you know that the Fund is looking for good-hearted, generous hosts again this year. Should you be in a position to open your home to a small guest for a while this summer, or should you know of others who might be responsive to this call, please think about the joyful, educational experience you can bring to children who might know nothing of green fields and wide-open blue skies; and, of course, to yourself! Your action would be a blessing not only to the child involved, but to you, as host, and to all of us who are in search of a better world. With metta to all...

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