Friday, September 10, 2010

For Relief...

... from all this political nonsense and to give your eyes a treat, go here and here for a couple of truly beautiful pictures by Jean, over at Tasting Rhubarb. And be sure to click on the image to enlarge. You'll be glad you did.

Oh, and don't forget to scroll down to see some other magnificent photographs, (some Jean's, some not,) including a wonderful black and white slide show, Retro. I don't know what Jean will think about my pirating her work for my entry today, but I'm enthusiastic about her pictures and trust she will not be unhappy to have them shared with TBD readers.

I'll be taking a couple of days off from The Buddha Diaries. Friday, I'm speaking at the TEDx Fullerton conference on "Ideas Worth Spreading In Orange County." And Saturday is a long day of art activities. I'm sure I'll be giving a report. Back, probably, on Monday. Unless I just can't help myself.

Meantime, I trust you'll enjoy Jean's pictures as much as I do.

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