Friday, March 11, 2011

VIDEO: 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake, and Tsunami Rattles Japan.

May all beings be happy and safe. May they have happy minds.'

Let him not perform the slightest wrong for which wise men may rebuke him. (Let him think:) 'May all beings be happy and safe.

May they have happy minds. Just as a mother would protect her only child with her life even so let one cultivate a boundless love towards all beings. Source link: Access to Insight.

---Excerpts from the Karaniya Metta Sutta: The Discourse on Loving-kindness---

James: That footage is shocking, yet humbling as to the small nature of man in the face of the greater picture of nature. I was amazed at the fire burning atop of the tsunami waves crashing into the Japanese countryside. The size of the tsunami makes the boats look like toy boats tossed around in the wake of a bathtub filling with water. It's surreal to be sure.

I send my heart and loving-kindness energy to the Japanese people in this hour of need and turmoil. May the loss of life and suffering be as minimal as possible. May those who survive, find peace in their minds in the wake of this devastating and mentally shocking disaster. May those who lost loved-ones be comforted and shown deep compassion.

May we around the world open our hearts and wallets to give freely of our good fortune to help our brothers and sisters in Japan. We are all one and will get through these disasters as one. May we reach out with our loving energy to hug the people of Japan in our caring arms and minds. We must not ignore their plight and needs, for to do so is to ignore our own humanity.

How to help: The Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation, one of the biggest charity groups in Taiwan, announced earlier in the day that it has set up a command center to prepare for launching relief aid to Japan. Click on this sentence to access their page to donate money for earthquake relief and aid. The Tzu Chi Foundation is a reputable organization that can be trusted with your money. It looks, however, like the donation is by phone--I'll look for an online donation option and update if I find it. UPDATE: A specific Red Cross page for the Japanese earthquake and tsunami has finally but set up. Click here to access page.

~Peace to all beings~

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