Monday, May 23, 2011


I love these modest, ephemeral art works by my niece, Charlotte Docking, who lives in England. They share the art-and nature quality of better-known contemporary artists like Andy Goldsworthy, but have their own unique blend of ritual and whimsy...

I like the evocation of primal, slithery creatures--snakes, centipedes, nautilus--in artfully distributed sticks and tree bark, and my mind engages in the intricate process of laying out the pieces. Quite simple, and yet eloquent. Though modest in medium and scale, works such at these can resonate in the human consciousness at the same archetypal level as the ancient, monumental grandeur of Stonehenge or the enigma of "crop circles" today. The imagination works in wonderfully diverse ways. I hope she does more. I hope she finds a place to show the photo-documentation...

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