Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Living Beings

I believe that this is a Coopers Hawk...

... I spotted early this morning through our living room window, perched in our neighbor's ficus tree. Can anyone confirm or correct?

On the subject of living beings in the animal kingdom, we had to take George in to the doctor yesterday. In the past couple of weeks, he has been waking in the middle of the night with a horribly growling stomach, jumping down from the bed, and calling to us, first politely, then more insistently, to be taken out. This has been happening two or three times a night, and you can imagine that it has displeased us mightily. We need our sleep!

Once leashed and out in the darkened street ( I worry a bit about coyotes: there have been recent reports about small dogs on leash being attacked, along with their owners) George just wants to eat grass--or any plant he can find that he judges to be medicinal. I eventually tried giving him a little food in the attempt to settle him down, and that seems to help. Still, he was due for his annual physical, so we decided it was time to visit the vet.

Like his caretakers, he has lost weight--a good thing, since he was getting a little plump around the midriff. The breed is so terminally cute, you can hardly help yourself from offering them treats; we try not to spoil him, but... The doctor gave him a thorough check and pronounced him to be in excellent condition. At ten years old, he is fortunate to have escaped the heart murmur that is common, these days, among Cavalier King Charles Spaniels; his eyes are bright, his coat is full and healthy; his teeth somewhat worn down by his attachment to those tennis balls, but otherwise in good shape...

As for the stomach problem, the doctor recommended half a Pepcid tablet and a teaspoon of PeptoBismol at bedtime, along with a late snack. He'll have no problem with the latter--he has always been an eager eater--but we doubt he'll much enjoy the PeptoBismol.

That's today's news from the animal kingdom hereabouts. Be well...

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