Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Dalai Lama: Buddhism's Teddy Bear.

When my world-weary eyes fall upon the aura of the Dalai Lama, it has the same effect as a light dose of the anti-anxiety medication I take. It is so powerfully calming and soothing to meditate upon his image that I can't imagine the energy that must warm the space when in his presence. Yet, truly he seems to regard everyone with the same reverence as we regard him.

It's always a dicey endeavor to speak of someone as "enlightened" because it's simply a word, whereas the pure state of enlightenment appears to be indescribable. However, his face smiles with such genuine happiness and radiant compassion that it's hard not to see him as more than a "simple monk" as he so humbly refers to himself.

I have a picture of his glowing face above my beside table and every morning when I look at that picture, I instantly smile. I find it hard not to beam a grin when gazing upon him. He's has all the innocent delight of a child, combined with the intelligence of a professor emeritus and the warmth of your favorite grand-father!!

But, I must admit, being someone who likes to hug people, I always look at a picture of him and just want to hug him like a child would embrace a stuffed animal. He looks like someone who would give good hugs!! I bet he'd be o.k. with a respectful embrace, and probably he'd laugh the whole time with that infectious chuckle he's known the world over for having. I'd laugh back, being a good-humored person myself. What a happy thought -- two spokes of the same wheel embracing, smiling at each other and simply taking joy that we are apart of the great wheel of consciousness, together, as it twirls through the mists of time.

That's partly why I think the Dalai Lama laughs, the humor of it all!! That, and I think he's extremely content with life and is thrilled by even the smallest of insects or humblest of human beings. I've heard that when you meet him, you feel as though he is as happy to meet you as any of the other millions of people he meets, and I think that speaks to his absolute love of people. He has mastered the practice of being present. I think, in his life, the moment in which he finds himself breathing, is truly, the only moment. And, you get the idea that it is also, always, the best moment of his life and that allows for his genuine energy to wrap you in its warmth.

I wasn't going to post anything today but then when going through some saved pictures, I came across this one of the Dalai Lama and felt inspired to share my admiration for such a great energy. The world is truly a better place with him apart of it. I bow to him with deep respect, admiration and honor. His presence and wisdom is a gift that will enlighten generations of people. May he always know of the love this world has for him.

And may you all know how much I appreciate your willingness to read my blog. I am far from perfect but that's why we're all here in this life, and may I say, I am grateful to have my life blessed with being in touch with such great people as you all. I truly am humbled by your kindness and you always make me think. I have the best readers in the blogosphere. Stay healthy. Smile and know that you are appreciated--and loved. Be well.

~may all beings know peace~

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