Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Around the first of the year, or soon thereafter, we expect to have our 200,000th visit on The Buddha Diaries--that's not counting the 300,000 plus "page views," whatever they may be. It seems only the blink of an eye since we passed the 100,000 milestone. On that occasion, I promised a signed copy of "Persist" to the 200,000th visitor, a person I'm able to identify at least numerically on Sitemeter. I can also tell where in the world that person happens to be, but not the particular individual. My plan was to contact him or her via email if contact information was available, and get a street address to send out my thank-you gift.

Well, okay, a bit gimmicky. But why not? This time around, my offer is this: the very first, brand new, hot-off-the-press, copy of "Mind Work" to go out from its author, signed and dedicated to the actual 200,000th visitor; or, if that individual is not traceable or responsive, to the first successor in line. AND, for the first ten in succession thereafter, a signed copy of "Persist." Between us, Emily and I will do our best to reach out and identify recipients, and let them know of their, um, good fortune. I value every one of my readers, and this is but a small--and admittedly rather random!--way to say so.

In the meantime, the holiday season is upon us, time is short, and family comes first. I expect to be more remiss that usual with my posts--but then I often surprise myself with an entry at the busiest of times. In just a while, our daughter Sarah arrives on the train at Irvine Amtrak station with little Luka! I've no doubt I'll be reporting on the first Christmas for this wonderful new arrival in our family; as well as on missing the other grandchildren, celebrating the occasion at their own home in England. If I don't see you before, have a blessed holiday!

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