Tuesday, June 5, 2012


... to hear a voice mail from my grandson on my cell phone yesterday!  It was his seven-month "birthday," and it certainly seemed like he was trying to make a word; and the word he was trying to say certainly sounded like "ampa."  Could that be "grandpa"?  It's a bit of a stretch, but one that's truly touching to contemplate.  Tomorrow is our "Luka Wednesday," and we're already looking forward to it with glee.

This evening, Tuesday, in case you had not heard, is a "One Hour/One Painting" session at 6PM at the William Turner Gallery in the Bergamot Station complex in Santa Monica.  The subject is a painting by the Los Angeles-based artist, Ned Evans.  It's called "Sun Biscuit"...

... for reasons you will readily understand if you take a quick look at it.  If you're in the area, I hope you might yet consider joining me.  I have one participant flying in from Chicago solely for this event, so  a drive across town will seem like a breeze!

(I have a new peeve.  My computer now makes unsolicited decisions about what it thinks I'm trying to say whenever I make a minor typo--as I often do, because I'm a very poor typist.  Unless I'm especially careful checking back over what I've written, its sometimes ridiculous suggestions are allowed to stand.  This happens particularly in emails, which I have been less bothered to edit with more than cursory attention, so if you have received an absurdly worded email from me recently, this is likely the cause.  I will now need to pay more careful attention to those, too.  Does anyone know how this "feature" can be disabled?)

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