Saturday, July 7, 2012


First, let me give a shout-out for a fine article in berfrois by Jay Slosar entitled Ordinary Americans: Technology and Paranoia.  Slosar is the author of The Culture of Excess: How America Lost Self-Control and Why We Need to Redefine Success, a book I reviewed here a couple of years ago.  I have given a good deal of thought to the culture of fear that so adversely impinges on our social lives and our political judgments, and this article gives expression to much of my own thinking with elegance and insight.  As Slosar suggests, we persist in providing ourselves with ample grounds for justified fear.  My own thinking is that it is in good part the world's growing overpopulation of the human species that makes us all so scared of each other and so apprehensive of the future.

Next, a shout-out for my own books.  Both Persist and Mind Work have been declared finalists in the Global Ebook Awards!   Mind Work: Shedding Delusions on the Path to the Creative Core is one of three books in the Religion/Faith Non-Fiction category.  And Persist: In Praise of the Creative Spirit in a World Gone Mad with Commerce stands alone (!) in the Art/Graphics Non-Fiction Category--a sure winner, no?!  If you do not already have your copy of either of these books, the links above will lead you to the paperback version (preferred, by me at least) or an ebook, if you have mastered the art of reading books this way.  A big thank you to those who have already purchased copies, and especially to those who have left kind comments on Goodreads or Amazon.

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