Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Purpose of Religion

Many people misunderstand Buddhism. Even some professors of Buddhist studies look at just the words and interpret what the Buddha taught very literally. They don't understand his methods, which are the real essence of his teachings. In my opinion, the most important aspect of any religion is its methods: how to put that religion into your own experience. The better you understand that, the more effective your religion becomes. Your practice becomes so natural, so realistic; you easily come to understand your own nature, your own mind, and you don't get surprised by whatever you find in it. Then, when you understand the nature of your own mind, you'll be able to control it naturally; you won't have to push so hard; understanding naturally brings control.

by Lama Thubten Yeshe

James's comment: This is a really good teaching. An excellent reminder not to get too caught up in the concepts and philosphy of Buddhism and to concentrate on one's practice of meditation and mindfulness. This is something that I am doing better with I think but can always have improvement upon. This is a wonderful and gentle reminder.

P.S.~Isn't he just adorable?? I want to give him a big hug and kiss his bald head.

-Peace to all beings-

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