Thursday, September 15, 2005

Buddha Footprints

Stole this from Sujatin Johnson of Lotus in the Mud. (Her blog is excellent if you haven't check it out yet):

Buddha can't be avoided. Buddha is everywhere. Enlightenment possibilities are all over the place. Whether you're going to get married tomorrow,whether you're going to die tomorrow, whatever you may feel, that familiar...awake quality is everywhere, all the time....From this point ofview, everything is a footprint [of Buddha], anything that goes on, whether we regard it as sublime or ridiculous. Everything we do -- breathing, farting, getting mosquito bites, having fantastic ideas about reality, thinking clever thoughts, flushing the toilet -- whatever occurs is a footprint.

~Chogyam Trungpa.

James's comment: This is something that I have been wanting (and trying) to express for awhile now and Trungpa does a beautiful, honest and humorous (can't forget humor! I love the farting bit the most!!) job of expressing the footprints of the Buddhas and (I would include) Bodhisattvas.

-Peace to all beings-

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