Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Love Yourself

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.


James's comment: The picture is an abstract computer art heart.

Now on to the teaching: This is an important reminder and teaching for myself. I am very good at being compassionate to others, helping with their suffering and offering unconditional love.

However, I have always had a hard time loving myself and giving myself the "love and affection" that I deserve. I have struggled with alot of self-doubt and even self-hatred for many years.

I am happy to annouce, however, that I have been working hard on this issue and I have made significant ground but I can always improve.

It is always amazingly beautiful to me that the teachings that I need in the moment arrive when needed. This is truly another way to interpret the Buddhist saying that, "the teacher will arrive when the student is ready."

-Peace to all beings-

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