Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Having Fun with "Satan"

That's right! The Christian, Uber Anti-God plays for (and is from) Slovakia!! I was watching the Olympic hockey match between Russia and Slovakia when I noticed that one of the players had the name "Satan" on his jersey! So I decided to look into this further and found his NHL club team card:

LOOK!! He even wears a red jersey! I'm waiting now to hear from Pat Robertson that Satan is alive and well and living in Slovakia and that we need to boycott everything from Slovakia and call for his assassination.

So I think hockey is just what "Satan" does in his free time when he wants to "cool off" and "let off a little steam." I've heard, however, that he likes to "blow smoke and hot air" up the asses of his team mates. Hehe.


-Peace to all beings including Satan-

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