Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Religious United Nations?

IsraelNN.com, Feb 19, 2006

Tel Aviv, Israel -- Israel's Ashkenazi chief rabbi, Yonah Metzger, meeting with the Dalai Lama, a Buddhist monk who is the leader of Tibet, suggested that representatives of the world's religions establish a United Nations in Jerusalem, representing religions instead of nations, like the UN currently based in New York.

"Instead of planning for nuclear war and buying tanks and fighter jets, it will invest in peace," Metzger said. He later reported that the Tibetan leader was very excited about the idea and offered to help advance it.

Also at the meeting was Chief Sephardic Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Rabbi David Rosen of the American Jewish Committee (who is on good terms with the Roman Catholic Church), Rabbi Menachem Froman of Tekoa, kadis (Ethiopian rabbis) and various Islamic sheikhs.

James's comment: What a wonderful idea in a world that currently reflects so much religious and political tension, ignorance and anger. This would be a great organization to help promote more peace and understanding between the followers of the many paths. And goodness knows that we need more peace and understanding. We truly do have more in common then not.

-Peace to all beings-

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