Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Blood Cell Cars and Roads of Arteries

Today I was running errands and the traffic was pretty hectic being the day before Thanksgiving and all. I was getting a little anxious and caught up in the stress when I remembered to breathe. Then things shifted into focus. I started actually being in the moment rather then be carried off in the moment and I saw things in a more mindful, interconnected way.

I had a vision in that moment of the roads being veins and arteries as the cars (blood cells) moved along through the system. Every cell (person) going in different directions but all for the good of the Greater Body.

Reality is like a face reflected in the blade of a knife; its properties depend on the angle from which we view it.

-Master Hsing Yun, "Describing the Indescribable"

PHOTO: One of my paintings depicting blood cells (the blood cells can also been seen as atoms) emanating out from the Infinite Eye. It is titled, "Atomic Adonai."

~Peace to all beings~

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