Sunday, November 12, 2006


The Self seems to move, but is ever still.
He seems far away, but is ever near.
He is within all, and he transcends all.

-Isha Upanishad

James: The lavender incense floats effortlessly into the air and dances with my nostrils as I breathe in it's soft, relaxing nature. The breath fills every cell with invigorating oxygen as the body rises from it's dreamy dualisitc self to settle yet again into the perfect Oneness of the awakened Self.

A bird softly chirps as a train sounds it's haunting cry in the distace cutting through the cool, crisp morning air like an arrow straight and true. Mindfulness continues to unfold as the Self becomes aware of the fridge emitting it's mythodical, hypnotic, heart-like tick tick noise. Each of these noises beautifully combines to realize a symphony of the moment.

Breathing in, the wave of the moment recedes and breathing out a new wave arrives. Two different moments yet connected through the true nature of suchness. The wave is form and the water is emptiness as Thay teaches. Waves are born from emptiness and waves return to emptiness. Thus the cycle of inter-being Infinitely unfolds beyond words, perceptions, labels, questions or answers.

A bird chirps again as a smile arrives.

~Peace to all beings~

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