Thursday, April 5, 2007

A Dream: the Fear of Public Speaking

Mirabile dictu, thanks to a couple of Aleve and light exercise, my back seems to be recovering nicely. Yesterday's caterwauling notwithstanding, the progress has been from agony to a mere ache. Now for a dream:

I have accepted a position as President of Loyola Marymount University. (I was in reality Dean of the arts there in what seems like a former life, back in the 1980s, in the days before I awoke to the fact that I was not supposed to be spending my life in academia--having already spent nearly a quarter of a century there.) It is the day of my inauguration, and I realize that I have not prepared a speech. I have been relying on my ability to ad lib, and have assumed that it would be enough to utter a few pleasant words. Now that the moment is arriving, it dawns on me that a full speech will be required, and I recall in something of a panic that I'm more likely than not to freeze in such situations. I have taken too much for granted. There is no time to write a full speech, so I begin to scribble cue words on the back of an envelope in the desperate attempt to have something to work from. When I wake up, a good few minutes pass before I realize that my mind is still writing that speech that will never need to be made...

A big day at the computer today, editing and stitching together all the telephone interviews I've done in preparation for my next " Art of Outrage" column for Artscene Visual Radio.

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