Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Boycott the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China. Plus an Update on Burma.

WARNING: This video contains images that might be disturbing to some viewers.


I was greatly disappointed in the International Olympic Committee when it announced that it was selecting Beijing, China to host the 2008 summer Olympic games. I enjoy watching the world come together in seeing the best of the best compete, however, I do not like the idea that this will come at the expense of oppression, torture and other human rights violations.

My first solution would be to move the games elsewhere and I think that could still be accomplished despite this late date. For example, the IOC would select a city that has already hosted the games and thus already has the infrastructure/venues built to accommodate such a gathering.

The less desirable and more drastic solution would be to cancel the games and wait for the next year and city to emerge.

In other words, something MUST BE DONE. We can not let this injustice go forward any longer.

I do not believe that boycotting the Olympics is radical, absurd or over-zealous. It is a question of our humanity. That is to say, what is more important, sports/entertainment/money or human rights, morality and standing up against repression and helping to reduce suffering in the world? Is it really too much to ask us to forgo a sporting event to to satisfy our senses in order to send the message that the world does not support human rights violations? If so, then I would submit that we must really reassess our values as a people.

And here in America we are buying Chinese products that often contain the toxic element of lead. I am ashamed that my country is buying products from China at all since it is most likely that they are all made in factories where the workers have no rights and are basically slave laborers. As well as made in environments/industries that aren't regulated for safety.

In granting China the right to host the Olympics the world is basically rewarding them for using violence, repression, religious intolerance, censorship, the death penalty, lack of legal representation and the invasion of a sovereign country, Tibet.

And as the video states, China is selling guns to the repressive and brutal government in Sudan that is killing masses of people in Darfur. As well as buying oil from Sudan which is putting money in the coffers of the killers. Are you o.k. with supporting a country that basically supports genocide?

And now, there is the horrific situation in Burma and China isn't lifting a finger to put pressure on the junta in any significant actions. Why should they? They are getting away with crimes against humanity themselves so why should they feel the pressure to force the military dictatorship in Burma to stop it's violent suppression of any expression of freedom?

The Olympics own charter states: "respect for universal fundamental ethical principles" and its goal of promoting "a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity." The profoundly sad irony is that the above two points listed in the Olympic charter are located on the Official website for the Beijing 2008 Olympics.

It is for all these reasons and more that I am adding my voice to the boycott Beijing movement, will you join me?


First Lady of the United States of America (wife of the President) speaks out on Burma. CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE. If you agree with her statements then I urge you to send her office an email to thank her for her support. Here is the general email address to the White House where she lives/works:

CLICK HERE to read a letter to China signed by 20 former Presidents and Prime Ministers. It's a PDF file.

If you'd like to send a message to the Beijing organizers, here is an email address that you can use:

~Peace to all beings~

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