Thursday, October 18, 2007

Free Tibet: The Dalai Lama Gets the Gold

Gotta love that Dalai Lama, right?

That smile, that giggle. That ability, despite obviously vast intellectual and diplomatic power, to maintain an apparent childlike innocence and wonder... That ability to look upon the disasters of the world with equanimity, and to find his happiness where he is.

Still, I could wish he had not chosen to accept his congressional gold medal from a man with so much blood on his hands.

I suppose he had to do it for his country, poor Tibet. But isn't there some rule about a monk accepting gifts of gold? I suppose it's uncharitable of me to be pissed off that Bush should be able to pick up so much in the way of brownie points by inviting His Holiness into his office to spite the Chinese, and use the occasion to lecture them on democracy and the freedom of religion. Very un-Buddhist of me.

And isn't there some rule about monks getting kissed on the cheek?

Ah, well, I'm off to try to practice a little metta.

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