Sunday, March 16, 2008

Is Bush Certifiable?

I mean, seriously? Watching him do his little tap dance on the White House steps while waiting for Senator McCain last week, watching his song and dance routine at that event, hearing--and reading about--his breezy speech on the American economy, it did occur to me that the poor man, once merely out of his depth, had in fact slipped from simple denial of reality into the realm of certifiable disconnection from the world the rest of us inhabit.

I wonder if we out here in the public realm would necessarily recognize it, if it had happened? Is the man so protected by our common need to believe in the sanity of our leaders that we might refuse to recognize a dreadful truth? Are those around him conspiring to hide the truth from us? And how would we know, if this were true? I recall that wonderful book, Being There--and the wonderful Hal Ashby/Peter Sellers movie that was based on the Jerzy Kosinski novel, in which a simple-minded gardener ascended to the presidency. But this is more than a simple mind. It's a dangerously deluded one. And we're engaged in more than a novel or a movie. We're in it. And our "president" is showing signs of something more than common job-related stress.

Have we reached the time for rational minds to take control? Should we demand to have him evaluated by professionals? Should the leaders of Congress act to take the reins of government before the country self-destructs? How is it possible that it has come this far? I know we have only a few more months to survive this nightmare, but are things not getting worse from day to day, from hour to hour? Or is it just my imagination playing tricks with me?

I mean, seriously...

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