Monday, March 17, 2008


Does the heart not bleed for this poor country in its long night of oppression? What is it about this human species that we need to crush, dominate, destroy? Centuries of accumulated wisdom, religious experience, art and culture are threatened by the willful ignorance and arrogance of men (mostly, yes, men, unhappily) whose need to wield temporal power over others recognizes no boundaries and respects the rights of no other human soul.

Is there a time for violence? The Dalai Lama would have us believe there is not, that all things will resolve themselves as they must in the course of time. Others--including many of the Dalai Lama's followers--clearly disagree. News from Tibet brings reports of many deaths, of violent revolt on the part of some, and violent repression by others. One clear thing is that who's right and who's wrong is insignificant to those who lose their lives; another, that in the shadow of those great mountains and the course of centuries of history, all this currently tragic human strife will seem as trivial as a battle between warring ants.

In my metta practice, I send out as much compassion as I can to those who oppress as well as those they persecute. I still feel helpless in the face of these events, but as Than Geoff (Thanissaro Bhikkhu) frequently points out, the world would be a better place if all of us could find true happiness.

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