Sunday, May 11, 2008

Save the World

This, in the place of a Sunday sermon from Peter At Large...

My sister in England just sent me the link to this intriguing website, Parallel Community, which seeks to act as a contact point between people throughout the world who believe that there are many of us who share the desire for peace, a sustainable economy, and a viable future for humankind; and a distrust of the political systems whose misguided policies stand in the way of what real human beings actually want. The organization's introductory DVD is well worth a watch. I wrote to one of the founding members, Hamish Miller, to congratulate him on their work, and added a somewhat tongue-in-cheek observation:

Hamish, I love what you're doing! But it saddens me that everyone in your DVD has GREY HAIR, and WRINKLES and (men only, please!) BEARDS--just like myself. Where are the young people, who are the ones who will really feel the painful results of what we're doing to the earth? I imagine your organization is making good efforts to pull them in. One of the good things, I think, about our Barack Obama here in the United States is that he seems finally to have touched a chord amongst the young. Thanks for the good work, anyway. I will post a link on my blog, The Buddha Diaries, in the next couple of days. Blessings, Peter
I received the following friendly response:
Hi Peter,
Thank you for your response!
You're right! I AM a wrinkly grey haired bearded oldie but so many of the young folks had their heads down just surviving over here at the time we were doing the film. However this was when we were getting it together and since then a lot of young people have come around to help. You can depend on it that if there's another clip we oldies will keep well away! We need their energy but sometimes they need the help of our experience to guide the way. Watch this space for the young coming in to take over. They seem to have a pretty clear understanding of what's going on. We'll keep you in to what's happening and thank you for posting a link on your blog. It all helps enormously
Best wishes,

I'm delighted to have been introduced to this worthy effort (thanks, Flora!), and plan to stay in touch. I'll also keep a link posted in my "Useful Sites" blogroll, in the hope that others, also, will continue to stay in touch with Hamish and his merry band.

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