Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why I Love My Mother.

I found this picture of my mom and I back when I was younger and skinner. And so I thought that I'd write an ode to her today. She's a sweetheart and one of the nicest, most loving and compassionate persons that I know. She's a hero of mine and one of my best friends.

Throughout all the years that I was living at home she would get up earlier than I and cook me a full breakfast (pancakes, bacon, eggs, juice--the whole works) and her cooking is better than any restaurant food I'd ever eaten (her potato salad is beyond delicious just to name one dish that she makes) And on my birthday she'd make (and still does) all of my favorites.

When I was in primary/elementary school I usually walked home and would pick dandelions (they have a bright yellow flower on top of a long skinny stem but most see them as weeds). Well anyway I use to bring them home to give to my Mom and despite them being sticky and "weeds" she accepted them with so much love and happiness. She would always then fill up a juice glass with water and place the dandelions in it.

And when I would get sick (and still when I get sick) she would always take care of me better than any nurse could. She would buy comfort foods for me that sat well with my body such as my stomach when I'd get the flu. And when my stomach ached or if I had a fever she would hold my hand or place a cool wash cloth on my forehead to calm me down and ease my fever.

Some of my earliest and fondest memories where that she was the first person that I saw after waking up from a nap and was always greeted with a smile and a little snack. I'm getting teary eyed writing this--my heart is full to the brim with love today.

She is also one of the best listeners and that is such a great quality to have because most times we all just want to be heard and understood when we have struggles. She is also one of these people who always knows just what to say at the perfect moments. She is one of the happiest people that I a know and always seems to have a smile on her face. I love how excited and happy she gets when she sees me. She really knows how to make people feel appreciated.

She taught me well the value of respect and tolerance for all people regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, age or sex. And respect is something that is sorely lacking in our modern world. I was rightly taught that I am no more important or less than any other being in this world and that has served me well in life. It helps keep me humbled while at the same time giving me a sense of self-worth.

My mom is also deeply spiritual and helped me cultivate my own sense of spirituality and gave/gives me a peaceful, strong and yet humble example of the essence of spirituality. And while we now follow different religions we are able to find common ground and support each other. And because of our deep spiritual discussions we both came to realize that our two paths are actually quite similar in many ways. Those are just a few of the many reasons why I love my mother dearly and will always do so.

She is one of the most amazing people that I have ever met and cherish each moment that I have to be with her. Thank-you mom for all that you have done for me, do for me and share with me. My life has been greatly sculpted by your influence and it is all for the better. I love her so much and think the world of her. I am so happy that I have this life/chance to enjoy her energy and presence. That being said, I know that her and I have had a deep connection and relationship that goes beyond this lifetime and will always do so. She's a true Bodhisattva. She wants nothing more than for all beings to be happy and loved. If I can live up to her example in this life then I will die a very happy and content man.

---End of Transmission---

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