Thursday, March 15, 2012


I'm happy to have my "One Hour/One Painting" session at the Orange County Museum of Art this afternoon, in part because it will give me the opportunity to observe a little more closely exactly what I do. I'm actually getting quite excited about the book, and have already drafted out a couple of chapters and am beginning to get a feel for the shape of it. I have been a bit skeptical about it until now, wondering whether there is really enough material to turn into a book-length manuscript. I think now that I was selling it short. It will be, clearly, a "slim volume," but to my mind there's nothing wrong with that. You know how much I like brevity.

So this afternoon I'll be watching how it goes, and listening carefully to all of the responses. One useful thing I've learned is that it is possible to be present and to watch at the same time. The mind is capable of standing back even as it participates. I'm looking forward to learning a good deal this afternoon, as well as to the opportunity to share my enthusiasm for slow looking with others, and having some small part in changing the way we see things. Every tiny ripple counts when it comes to raising consciousness in the world!

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