Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Stop Joseph Kony from Torturing and Enslaving Kids in 2012.

There is a monster loose in Africa and he's praying on children to enslave them into his army or marry them as child brides. This is intolerable and we can do something about it. All it takes is the will, the right tools and the internet. Please, watch this short 30 minute video on how we do this. Today we are more interconnected than ever, so let's put that power to good use and save the children of Uganda!!

If your heart is called to action, as was mine after watching this video, please visit the "Invisible Children" website by clicking on this sentence. As Buddhists, we understand the power of interconnection and interdependent actions. This is a very doable goal, but only if we all take a few minutes out of our day to be present with the world and unite out collective compassion. It's easy to say, "Well, I'm only one voice, what can I do?" That is all changed in today's digital realm. When one person joins with other individuals, then we become an unstoppable wave of change. The time is now. Please join me in this effort by visiting "The Invisible Children" website to stop Joseph Kony!!

~Peace to all beings~

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