Monday, April 30, 2012


My grandson is gurgling in the next room as I write, this early morning.  It's a wonderful sound--though I suspect it might soon turn to protest, once he gets bored with his mobiles, and with testing out his limbs against the air.  In a few days he will be six months old, and it's an amazing thing to watch how change and grow.  Most remarkable of all is to see the human brain in the learning process, because it is easily observable in the way he pays attention to the world around him and responds to it.  He has virtually no control over any of it, so he can do little but absorb it all through his watchful eyes.  He has certainly discovered how to make his needs known, and is not reticent to use the magnificent power of his lungs to get the attention of the strange giants that hover solicitously around him.

I learn along with him, that's the joy of it.  I say, not jokingly, that Luka is a wonderful teacher--though, as is the case with all good teachers, his teaching is not always easy or welcome.  He requires more patience than I sometimes have, and demands an expenditure of physical and emotional energy that can be exhausting to one somewhat more advanced in years than he. His own energy is relentless, expressed in a body that's in constant movement.  It's a strong body, too.  His grip grows more powerful daily, and I notice that he is constantly putting his leg muscles to the test, thrusting upward in the attempt to stand.  He still requires a little propping up to sit, but it won't be long before he can do it by himself.

It won't be long, I know, before he's crawling about and getting into everything he shouldn't.  Better enjoy the moment when he can be relied upon to be in one place!

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