Thursday, April 19, 2012


Our little grandson Luka must have rolled out of bed the wrong side yesterday. It was his Wednesday with Grandma and Grandpa, and he was not too pleased with the arrangement. Maybe it was the shot he was so rudely given on Monday that left him in a bad mood. Maybe it was the two first teeth that are making an appearance through his lower gums. Maybe he had been listening to the news on television. No matter the cause, he grumbled all day, start to finish, and made no secret of his discontent. Maybe, as a neighbor concluded when he bawled at her from his stroller, it was just "one of those days."

Here he is at one of his better moments:

Pensive, might the word. Awaiting the arrival of the next storm. He seemed happy enough when his mom arrived, after work, to pick him up.

Ah, yes, the news. The scandals. The secret service prostitute payment scandal. The GSA Las Vegas scandal. The pictures of grinning US service men, mugging for the camera with Taliban body parts--pictures deemed of vital newsworthiness by the Los Angeles Times. Oh, and that scandalous slap-in-the-face to American motherhood on the part of a "Democratic strategist." Will it never end? And Romney rebounds, while the President's numbers slide. Obama is held accountable for all disasters, foreign and domestic; and credited for none of his successes. If I were him, I'd be bawling all day like little Luka.

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