Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Much improved, today, healthwise. I managed to get up at 6AM, feeling relatively sprightly. Coughed my way through meditation... May take a walk.

I'm making plans, now, for this weekend. I'm sharing a booth at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books with my friend, the artist Mark Strickland, who has a big new book out, The Art of Mark Strickland, documenting his work.

I'll be representing Parami Press and, of course, Persist. I'm hoping that if you're thinking of attending the Festival, you'll stop by to visit us. Our booth is in the Arts section, not far from Tommy Trojan. (I'll try to remember to post the actual booth number in the next couple of days, but we should be easy enough to find.) I also have a book-signing session lined up for 2PM on Saturday, in a location designated for that purpose. I'm sure there will be plenty of information available on site.

If you're a reader of The Buddha Diaries, be sure to let me know!

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