Monday, April 25, 2011


I managed to lock myself outside of my house early this morning while investigating some birds sitting in the pine tree out in front of our house. I was wearing my pajama shorts and a t-shirt with my hair all wild looking from just waking up. And, I was barefoot!! I ended up walking a mile and a half on a rough, dirt path to reach my wife's place of work to get the spare key and a ride home!!

As I was walking across the prickly path and sharp stones, I contemplated what it must be like for those who don't have shoes or socks to wear on a daily basis. I reflected upon my time living in Africa and remembered that many Africans walk barefoot everyday while carrying heavy loads of goods; usually in blazing heat.
Yet, despite all that hardship, they never complained in my presence or indulged themselves in self-pity; and often they were in good spirits.

I was so impressed by those Africans that I donated my shoes to friends there upon my departure--as well as my clothes. I literally flew home with just the clothes on my body. Anyway, as I recalled my beloved Africans this morning, I was humbled yet inspired by their examples and it helped me push through the pain. Surely, I thought, I can walk a short distance barefoot if countless people around the world have no choice but to walk everywhere without shoes.

Shoes are a luxury I too often take for granted, and once I got into the building where my wife works, I was so happy to walk on soft carpet. It was the most luxurious feeling in the world!! Yet another thing I won't take for granted today. All that walking and thinking led me toward doing something pro-active about the shortage of shoes in this world. So, I researched ways to donate shoes and found a great organization that is non-denominational and non-profit, it's called "Donate Your Old Shoes." Please, consider holding a shoe donation box at your sangha, business or other place of worship. I am hoping to set up one of their boxes at my wife's office.

~Peace to all beings~

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