Thursday, January 5, 2012


... to add to the river. Have you been writing yours? I really recommend it. All you need is to stop for a moment during the day and pay attention. Then use a few words to capture the essence of the moment. Your consciousness will add to the river of consciousness that's flowing, this month, throughout the world, thanks to the effort and inspiration of Fiona and Kaspa at Writing Our Way Home. They don't have to be great literature, just "small stones." I wrote two yesterday:

One small, plastic
from an abandoned
beside the microwave.
One more
cup of coffee,
steaming. Equanimity?


Dead birds
of paradise
in the flower vase,
their heads brown,
skeletal. In offended
dignity, they await
removal to the trash--
the green bin.

There. Simple. Done in no time at all. A tribute to a moment valued, not ignored like too many of our moments. If you're not writing a small stone a day, maybe you should be. Give it a try. The world will thank you.

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